mercredi 19 décembre 2012

Christmas giveaway with Skinizi !

Ho ho ho !

Eh oui, dans une semaine c'est Noël...! Et pour fêter ça dignement, voici un petit concours de Noël, organisé avec nos amis de Skinizi, les fabriquants de stickers et coques pour iPhone, ordinateur portable, et autres tablettes numériques !

Christmas is just around the corner, and to celebrate, here is a little Christmas giveaway with our friends from Skinizi, who make stickers and cases for iPhones, laptops and other tablets !

Cette année, le concours sera pour les utilisateurs d'iPhones...
Trois coques pour iPhone sont à gagner parmi les modèles présentés en-dessous.
 Pour jouer c'est facile : laissez un message sur ce post de blog en me racontant en quelques lignes une anecdote vraie et drôle qui vous est arrivée. Faites-nous rire !
De plus, vous gagnez une chance supplémentaire si vous êtes inscrits sur ma page Facebook, et une autre si vous êtes incrits sur celle de Skinizi. Indiquez votre identifiant Facebook dans le message !
Les gagnants seront tirés au sort le 24 décembre parmi les participations.
N'oubliez pas d'indiquer votre adresse mail ou un autre moyen de vous joindre !

Pour les mineurs, assurez-vous que vos parents sont d'accord avant de participer. :)

This year the giveaway is for iPhone users...
We are giving away three iPhone protective cases as shown below.
How to enter: leave a comment on this blog note and tell us in a few lines a true funny story that happened to you. Make us laugh!
You will get an extra entry if you follow me on Facebook, and another if you follow Skinizi. Don't forget to leave your Facebook ID in the message!
Winners will be drawn at random on December 24th.
Don't forget to leave a contact email or another way to get in touch with you, in case you win!

 If you are a minor, make sure your parents are ok with you entering the giveaway. :)

Coques disponibles pour iPhone 5, 4, 4S, 3G et 3GS
Cases available for iPhone 5, 4, 4S, 3G and 3GS

Bonn chance !
Good luck!

Les gagnants ont été tirés au sort et contactés par mail... Merci à tous d'avoir joué ! :D
Winners have been drawn and contacted by email... Thank you for participating everyone! :D 

7 commentaires:

  1. Bon déjà, j'ai po de I phone, alors je joue pas vraiment, mais, un jour, j'allais à un mariage d'une de mes collègues. Elle m'avait prévenue qu'il fallait prévoir les jupes longues et les bras couverts, tout ça. J'ai donc fait péter une superbe robe avec plein de longs pans, longue mais originale quoi, suis allée au wécés, et par manque d'habitude -je suppose- ma jupe est restée coincée dans mon string.
    La maman de la mariée m'a dit "euh mademoiselle, vous n'êtes pas décente ..
    -comment comment mais elle est longue ma robe !
    -longue devant peut être, mais on voit vos fesses derrière..."
    Bon, ben j'ai donné mon kdo, et je me suis barrée hein.

  2. Well not only is it maybe a tad bit funny, but it was a VERY embarrassing experience!!

    It was my first time meeting my art teacher, (and his daughter which is my age).
    So, we met at his art studio, but his classroom was up stairs (and boy, were there a looooot of stairs!)
    SO, we were on our way up when suddenly I stumble in my own feet, and fall in the stairs with my arms pointing towards my feet with my butt high in the air!

    Everything went silence, I quickly got up and "laughed" it off.
    Moral of story: Be careful walking up stairs!!

  3. One day (years ago) I was at my best friend’s house we got bored and decided to hang out on the first floor of her house by the staircase. While we were sitting there her little nephew was outside and wanted to come in so we picked him up through the window. That gave me an idea I never knew what it was like to hang out of a window so I sat on the frame and asked my friend to hold my hand as I leaned back. “This is so cool!” I yelled as my friend struggled to hold me as we were both laughing next thing I knew my friend let go of my hand and I fell back I landed right on my butt!! I just laid there yelling “MARIA!!!” and laughing when I didn’t hear anything from inside the house I got suspicious so I did my best silent ninja impression and sneaked to the front door expecting her to pop out and scare me! But I opened the door and nothing. So I crept up the stairs when I saw her. . . . she was coming out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her waist. “What happened?” I asked her reply “I laughed so hard when you feel that I peed on myself!” we’ve been best friends ever since:)

  4. Months ago, I was visiting my parents and when I went to the bathroom, the toilet seat broke under me D-: As I am quite petite, that was funny enough...but then I went to tell my dad about the mishap, and instead of being mad or even surprised, he just reached out behind some shelf and pulled out a brand new toilet seat! I couldn't believe my eyes, why would he have a replacement seat in storage? It was so absurd...but it turned out that the old seat had been wonky for quite some time, and I just had bad luck and was the one to wreck it completely :P

    Aaand now I'm happily stalking you on facebook with my profile :)

  5. Alors ma personne se deplaceait gentillement sur un trottoir(en pente) un jour ou il avait plu.
    Maladroite que je suis j ai glisse sur les paves mouilles et ai roule sur la moitie de la descente(whou tobbogannn~~ >__>)
    Et ca ne sarrete pas la, un bus plein passait par la...
    j m en suis sourtie indemne mais mon ego lui en a pris un coup =P
    j ai fai like a ta pa et celle de skinzi sur fb avec ma page =)

    Alors JOYEUX NOEL!! jte shouhaite que le mielleur ^^

  6. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

  7. So my dad bought this brand new car and he was really proud of this car, he made sure it was clean everyday and he spent quite a lot of money on it. Probably more than he should have.
    Well one day we are all riding in my car and arrive home after being out late and my dad is in the passengers seat. We open the garage door to see my dad's new car in there, and my cat sitting on top of it. Now this cat of ours is an outside cat. A stray that we feed and he is quite dirty. My dad is already mad seeing how the car is covered in dusty paw prints and gets out of the car and stomps over to where are cat is on top of it. What really made my dad snap though was when our cat decided to slide down the windshield on his butt and leave a trail of dirt and poop on it. When our cat jumped down off the car my dad got so mad and kicked him. Me and my sisters all watched HORRIFIED as our cat flew through the air and hit my brothers truck which set the car alarm off. We went over there to see if our cat was alright and he just got up and meowed and walked off like nothing had ever happened.
    And then afterwards we got a laugh out of it after finding out our cat was fine.
